Make customer messaging easier with a WhatsApp direct chat link generator . Add your Whatsapp link to your Instagram bio, your Facebook posts and add it as a Website button that redirects to your Whatsapp channel in one click.
Start crafting your connections today with our user-friendly Free WhatsApp link generator!
Welcome message preview
Help your customers to easily initiate a WhatsApp conversation with your business, effortlessly connecting even without having your number saved to their phone.
Enhance your WhatsApp marketing with powerful links. Share easily on Facebook, Instagram, and beyond. 🌐 #WhatsAppLink 🚀
Automatically capture and secure customer numbers for future use with a WhatsApp link that gathers and saves their information when they message you.
Here are some answers to the most common questions we receive about our Whatsapp Link Generator.
To create a custom link for your WhatsApp number, fill your WhatsApp number into the form above and press the “generate WhatsApp link” button. Optionally, you can add a custom message that will be prefilled when someone uses your link.
Once a a potential client is on your website or your social media page, it is essantial to make reaching out to your business an easy task. Our free tool allows you to create as many shareable WhatsApp links as you need. Add them to your Instagram bio, buttons on your website, your email signature and more!
Adding a custom message has many benefits one of them is to make contacting you for the first time is even easier. They can also become a part of your messaging strategy: Use them to help you track which sources contacts are writing to you from, or create separate links with custom messages to help you easily sort sales inquiries from support questions.
Yes, it’s free to create as many WhatsApp links as you want.
Yes! Plus, creating multiple WhatsApp links with their own custom messages is also a smart way to quickly categorize incoming conversations in your inbox.
There’s no need! Simply stop sharing it. You can generate and use as many links as needed simultaneously.
Learn the difference between WhatsApp based, programs to send unlimited marketing campaigns and messages. Discover differences between QR programs and API.
Using a CRM will enhance your business operations significantly. Integrate your store with a Whatsapp CRM and enjoy the benefits of centralized data.
Discover the top five Wati alternatives and competitors: Kartly, interakt, Trengo,, and Twilio. Consider the main differences and compare features.
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We will send you the best tips and tools to help you convert more visitors and retain more loyal customers.
We will share some cool WhatsApp marketing & customer service Insights as well.