Use the WhatsApp API price calculator to calculate the prices of whatsapp message price and WhatsApp business price. This tool will assist you in estimating the cost of using WhatsApp for marketing and customer service.
You can calculate WhatsApp costs by entering the number of conversations you intend to send or receive.
The WhatsApp business API price is calculated based on the number of conversations. A conversation lasts for 24 hours. WhatsApp message price vary depending on the type of conversation, whether it's marketing, customer service, utility, or authentication.
Total WhatsApp (Meta) fees
(Includes 1,000 Free User-Initiated Conversations)
Include messages related to ongoing customer transactions, such as order confirmation and billing receipts.
Promotional offers and seasonal campaigns prompting customers to buy.
Initiated by users seeking assistance.
Learn the difference between WhatsApp based, programs to send unlimited marketing campaigns and messages. Discover differences between QR programs and API.
Discover practical tips to improve your store's conversion rate, such as automated notifications and popups based on visitors' behavior.
Discover how you can track abandoned cart vs abandoned checkout, analyze abandonment reasons and implement exit popups and cart notification to recover sales.
Running great Ads is no longer enough.
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We will share some cool WhatsApp marketing & customer service Insights as well.